DC/DC Simulation

This tool simulate operation of the DC/DC converter,Provide design information for the selection of IC or peripheral components and circuit feasibility. It can simulate characteristics such as junction temperature and switching frequency during PFM operation, which are difficult to calculate by common tools.

- Efficiency
- Loss Ratio
- Ripple Voltage, Vin Voltage
- Coil Current, Input Current
- Switching frequency, On time, Off time
DC/DC Measured Electrical Characteristics Comparison Tool

It is possible to compare DC/DC converter efficiency, ripple voltage and output voltage (load regulation) and other measured data or the mounting area including peripheral components. The characteristics/mounting area between multiple products can be easily compared, and it is suitable for selecting the most suitable IC according to the required power supply specifications..

Download Spice Model. Operation confirmed with Pspice Ver.16.3, Ta=25℃ compatible model.
*Please read the license agreement before downloading.